The B2Win Suite is the output management platform that every company needs in conjunction with its ERP system. This innovative product help companies improves internal reporting and outbound communications with their business partners.

b2Win – Our best selling software product that takes output from Baan/Infor LN to Excel, Word, PDF, and XML in one click; installed on the Baan/Infor LN Server and works as a Baan/Infor LN Device for all users. It includes a Report Designer that enables Customization of Baan/Infor LN reports.

b2Win-GEAR – This Baan/Infor LN Device allows users to convert reports into XLS, XLSX, RTF, PDF, HTML, TXT and XML formats, without need for Microsoft Office or Adobe programs, and also on Unix machines and in a cron job. Reports can then be E-mailed, archived or printed.

b2Mail-Merge – This Baan/Infor LN Device performs a mail merge on any Baan/Infor LN Output. It allows the user to distribute, through fax or e-mail, documents (such as Invoices) or reports to the proper business partner without any human intervention.

Purchase Order Approval Extension – Covers the area where b2Mail-Merge is used for purchase orders, and more than one person must sign certain orders, based on the amount.

b2SharePoint is an add on for b2Mail-Merge where you can automatically upload and update any document from Infor LN to SharePoint.

bHot-Link – Allows you to link a Baan Maintain Session to any external application. Its an integrated smart Document Management System (DMS).

bQuery-Tool – This Baan/Infor LN session is a Query Builder that allows the user to easily retrieve data from the Baan database – using a graphical interface.

bColor-Changer – A server based program that allows the user to differentiate between different Baan/Infor LN Screens, by having a different colored bar for each company. It also allows the user to add pictures to Baan/Infor LN screens, without touching the script or the form definitions.